so that we do not only know the rules but know how to implement them in Islamic banking products. The data obtained is described using words or sentences so that it can become a discourse which is the conclusion of the data analysis. Therefore, a literature/literature study can describe or analyze research results but is not used to make broader conclusions. The rule of fiqh is one of the methods of taking law which is designed as a basis because this rule discusses issues related to religious rituals and social interaction.
Menurut beliau, lafazh ushul () dilihat dari aspek bahasa Arab, yaitu bentuk jamak (plural) dari. The fiqhiyyah rule is the foundation that maslahah mursalah is the most appropriate to use as the basis for ushul fiqh as a solution to problems related to insurance. PENDAHULUAN Untuk dapat mendefanisikan pengertian ushul fiqh secara baik, sebagaimana penuturan Sapiudin Shidiq, maka perlu dijelaskan atau dipahami dua kata tersebut secara terpisah, yaitu lafaz ushul dan fiqh. There is a basis that is no less important, namely qawa'id fiqhiyyah which functions as the bass for the formation of law. Apart from originating from the Qur'an and Hadith, sources of Islamic law, there are also ijma, qiyas, istihsan, maslahah mursalah, istishab, urf, syar'u man qablana, sadd az-zari'ah.